Sunday, August 15, 2010

Session 11 - Email

Kudos to you all for making this study a wonderful journey of Revelation! I have enjoyed studying, praying, and living this one out with each of you! What a glorious study to see our Lord in his due glory and honor!

This was our first excursion out going through the Summer months and we survived! You all have been troopers! I know how hurried and scurried life gets during the Summer so I appreciate your dedication and perseverance!

Just a reminder regarding two items. First, the updates on the class blog site at Second, Celebration Dinner will be tomorrow night at the church office at 6:45 p.m. Bring what you signed up for or if you didn't get a chance to sign up, your favorite dish - Mexican theme it is!

I look forward to seeing each of you on August 13th for the PVC women's ministry kickoff at 6:30 p.m. at the church location on Litchfield Road! Go to Cost is $5.00. It will be a wonderful night of worship, praise, dessert and hearing about all the amazing opportunities to study God's word in the Fall. You don't want to miss it!

God bless each of you precious sisters in Christ with His love, peace, joy, wisdom, knowledge, strength, comfort and power above and beyond what you can possibly imagine!

Thank you again for taking this journey with me!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Link to all the Sessions Answers

Session 11 - Praise/Prayer Requests


Kim - For a wonderful session of study through the Summer with some wonderful women of God! God bless all of you and your families above and beyond what you can possibly imagine! Thank you for being my traveling counter parts on this journey through Revelations! Rev. 17:14 "They will make war against the Lamb, but the Lamb will overcome them because He is Lord of lords and King of kings and with Him will be His called, chosen and faithful followers."

Session 11 - Fill-Ins

God does not make "all new things" but "makes all things new!"

no longer being a "Red Sea"

3 consonants of the word "Shekinah"

land of Evermore, part of its most equisite beauty will be found in the "Nevermore"

names of the twelve tribes of Israel.

names of the twelve apostles of hte Lamb.

shaped as a cute

typing it to the Holy of Holies

this is paradise regained and Eden restored.

Lord will finally be home.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Session 10 - Praise & Prayer Requests

Kim - For all the women God has placed in this class to learn Revelation! Awesome study - hard but awesome!

Lisa J. - Pray that the Lord delivers my husband from smoking. He's down to 2 cigarettes a day, but I am praying for complete deliverance!

Margret - Prayer for my son and daughter in law to be one day for their first baby due in August to be healthy strong and that she'll have a healthy delivery. Also, being young that they will be prepared for a new beginning with strength, encouragement, love and peace.

Jackie L. - Had surgery this past Friday, for quick healing and recovery. Sorry, I thought this e-mail went out earlier in the week!

Session 10 - Fill Ins

1. The great occasion; the wedding supper of the Lamb.

2. The raucous praise; "Let us rejoice and be glad."

Definition of glad:
Agalliao - agan - very much to leap, to exalt, rejoice with exuberance, often to leap for joy, show one's joy by leaping, skipping, dancing, ecstatic joy and delight.

3. The bridal attire; Fine linen is "an expensive fabric worn by priests and royalty."

4. The divine Romance; "God has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end."

Hosea 2:19,20. "I will betroth you to me forever."

5. The ultimate grom: Revelation 19:11

6. The Great Ride: Revelation 19:12-16

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Sesson 9 - Email

Happy 4th of July weekend everyone! I'm enjoying lovely and beautiful New Jersey/New York with my honey! I hope you all have a wonderful one with family and friends as well.

Well, we have two more sessions left in this study and I'm so very proud of all of you for going through this journey. Through the ups, downs and different scenery of life as we know it.

We finished Revelation 12 and worked our way into chapter 13 this past session. Focusing on the first and second beasts and looking at the anti christ. One of the things that struck me is that Satan is such a copier. Deceitful copier that is! Mimicking what God has done and is doing to deceive as many as possible. It reminds me of Timothy challenging us to study the word of God so that we can rightly divide it. Rightly dividing which a reference to exactness demanded by trades like carpentry, masonry, meaning cutting it straight. So, that we understand the exactness of what God's word teaches.

Studying Matthew 24:3-31 this week has also challanged me to know God's word as it states in Matthew 1 - Take heed that no one deceives you. It will sound good, almost close, however there's a HUGE difference in sounding good and almost being close to what the "exactness" of truth requires.

Some other scriptures you might want to take a peek at this week reflecting the end of days/times are 2 Tim 3:1 - 4:8, 1 Thess 4:13 - 5:11, 2 Pet 2:1-22, 2 Thess. 2:1-16.
Awesome scriptures to look and evaluate how to implement them into your life getting ready for the glorious appearing of our Lord! A great way to look these up is

Friday, July 2, 2010

Session 9 - Praise & Prayer Requests

Quick reminder - there will be no class on July 5th in observance of the 4th of July weekend! Enjoy the time with your friends and family. Have a wonderful fun and safe one! We will meet back up for Session 10 the following Monday night.

Sarah - Thank you Lord for being so loving & patient to all of us so we can come to know Him well. I love you Lord.

Kim - So, incredibly thankful for the workbooks for the women at Perryville! God is GOOD!!!

Kim - Okay, another praise - I get to go see my husband ! Wahoo!!!!


Letty - Please help me pray for my husband, Harold, he's trying to stop drinking again. He's doing ok. I have faith in God. Thank you, I pray for you to. Pray for my kids as well.

Sarah - I would like prayer for my daughter, Sophia, as she goes to India to minister over there. Also, that many of the ladies in Perryville prison will read, apply and know God as they review the Breaking Free workbooks. That God would make an ever lasting change in their lives.

Velma - Please pray for Carlos and Taylor - conviction to marry. Just had a new baby. They are friends of mine.

Sophia - Please pray for me and my team of 11. We will be traveling to Bangalore, India for a missions trip on July 22-Aug 10. Pray for protection, for the hearts of the of the Indian people to be soft and receptive. Also, unity within our team for us to have and show the compassion heart of Christ. Overall, to proclaim the great news to the people of India with confidence, boldness, & with obedience.

Erika - I am asking or prayer for my husband to stop drinking and getting high off of marijauna. He is truly a great man but he needs help and he needs restoration. I know that our amazing God can do everything and anything! So, please keep him in prayer. Thank you. His name is Matthew.

Heather - Please, pray for my friend, Amber who has swelling on her brain. After many tests the doctors have no answers. She is hospitalized away fro her 2 young children.

Sarah - My grandson, Brent, is on a 2 week misson trip to Kenya. Please pray for protection and for spiritual welcoming.

Debbie - To pray without ceasing & God's will for my adult children.

Cynthia - For work for my husband, Meryl. Things are extremely difficult right now.

Jackie - For Jessica a young single mom who attends Palm Valley Church who was diagnosed recently with a very rare condition and is currently hospitalized at Banner Estrella. Within the past year she has developed diabetes and is having several medical issues related to her disease. Her 13 and 11 year children are now being taken care of by their grandparents. She may be going to Colorado to go see a specialist.

Kim - Please pray for my husband, Scott, although he is much better than he was in May. He is struggling with being away and is drinking every other night to help him "sleep" Oh, that he would have a softened heart and look to God for all sufficiency!

Session 9 - Fill Ins

Confederation of rulers
Former Empires
The leopard - Greece
The bear - Medo Persia
The lion - Babylon

Satan Received from the cross
appears to have been healed from it

resurrection of the Roman Empire

could be a literal ruler
sustained a fatal wound but experiences an astonishing recovery

height of Satanic counterfeit

popularity of the first beat into a form of religion

he is also called the false prophet

"Babel" Hebrew word meaning to mix

tire of using her and to hide behind her

Session 8 - Email

This session we traveled back in history and then we looked at the future and what it will look. Our flash backs and flash forwards if you will . As you might recall, we looked at the identification of the woman, the child and the red dragon. In addition, we looked at the possibilities of what the one-third of the stars could possibly represent as well. One of my favorites, was looking at the garland of twelve stars in Rev. 12:1 being a wreath representing a victory wreath and not just a crown that the counterfeit authority will wear. Praise the Lord we will be on the "victorious" side!

The 3 key points to remember from this lesson are as follows:
1. Everything about Revelation is the consummation of what began in Genesis
2. With every single alpha there is an omega
3. What He begins He also wraps up

It's amazing when we look at the current news to see how "Satan" is still busy in the middle East with all the unrest especially against the nation of Israel. Woe to the nations that do not support His nation!

Please see updates at the class blog at for the praises and prayer requests!

I look forward to seeing all of you Monday night for Session 9!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Session 8 - Praise/Prayer Requests

Here's an update and a new request and praise!

Eileen O. - Harrison is home from the hospital!
Chris C. - Praise/Prayer request: I had my CT scan and the Radiologists decided they want to do a CT scan every 3 months to keep watch on the complex cyst in my liver. They don't want to do a biopsy at this time. So, I am thanking God!!
Kim H. - 60 Breaking Free revised addition workbooks for the Perryville Prison ministry arrived!

Here are the praise/prayer requests from Monday night. Please enter the throne room and ask for God's help for these requests. Thank you!

Eileen O. - Please pray for some sweet friends of ours, Michael and Heidi Gray. Their 2 year old, Harrison, is at Phoenix Children's Hopsital with pneumonia.

Joanne - Please pray for recovery for my husband's illness.

Cynthia - Her husband, Meryl, has a slight possibility for job in Saudi Arabia. Still zero work currently. Praise - Cynthia was able to get a job at the beauty shop. Please pray for all those involved in fires in Flagstaff and Williams. Praise - great bloodwork and well woman check up with new doctor.

Kim - Praise - Scott is doing much better! Prayer request - that I would have a softened heart and open eyes to my Lord and his direction in my life.

Session 8 - Fill Ins

flash forwards
12 stars
12 tribes of Israel
believing community
Christ's birth
red dragon
false claims
war in heaven
hurling down

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Session 7 - Email

I trust this has been a wonderful week for you in the Word! Challenging at times to find the time but NECESSARY! I prayer is that it doesn't become a "chore" or "mundane" but that each time it is new and fresh with amazing truths and revelations that God wants you/me to "get" and be able to implement into your/my life to bring Him glory.

I thank each of you for the encouragement you are to me in watching you in your faith walk growing closer to Him and wanting to study His word! I LOVE it! You truly are a blessing!

Please pray for our sisters in Christ - so many are in deep need, hurtful situations, relational issues, health conditions, etc. that need to be held up in prayer! Intercession for each of us is mighty IMPORTANT and what a privilege it is to come into the throne room and talk to God on another's behalf.

God bless you with His amazing knowledge, grace, peace and strength! I look forward to seeing you for Session 8 on Monday night at the church office.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Session 7 - Praise/Prayer Requests

Kim - God is patient and answer's prayers. Not how we expect them to always but he always answers them.

Cynthia N. - Please pray for work for her husband, Meryl as funds are depleted and pray for mental health and healing during this stressful time.

Christy C. - My mother was severely traumatized by her eldest brother in South Korea when she grew up. My mom mentioned that she has been praying that God would keep her brother alive until she was able to talk with him one last time (he is in his 80s or 90s). It seems from what I can tell that she wants to let him know she has forgiven him although she didn't mention that specifically when I last spoke with her. I've never met him but from what i heard he lives a lone in the mountains (everyone abandoned him because of what kind of person he is/or was. I don't think he knows about God (my mom's family was Confucian I think although majority are Christians now). I would like to go to Korea with my parents to see my relatives whom I've never met, however my dad's health is in poor condition and my parents need to save some money for the trip. If we could pray together that God gives my dad the strength for travel, heals him from his pain, that my mom and uncle will find healing from God and that my parents will set a plan for saving money aside for this trip, that would be awesome! I know God can do anything and I really feel that my mom and uncle would have an opportunity for some healing in their life which is desperately needed if they were able to go on this trip. I've asked my mom about going without my dad, but she said she doesn't want to leave him alone because she has found him on the floor in convulsions and a couple of times if she wasn't there to take him to the hospital who knows what might have happened to him.

Session 7 - Fill Ins

1. be literal
2. be symbolic
blueprint for preservation
represent reconstruction

1. be literal
2. be symbolic, satanic power, days of the antichrist, preview of the final convlsive oppression.

modeled after Moses and Elijah, the prophetic mantle of these two prophets

OT-the testimoney, to settle a legal matter
NT-Jesus sent His missionaries out in twos

1. could be literal
2. could be symbolic

A deep where all our thoughts are drowned.